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How to improve the efficiency of your poultry feed ?

Attention all poultry farmers! Are you tired of constantly worrying about the health and growth of your birds? Are you looking for a solution to improve the efficiency of your poultry feed? Look no further, because phytase is the answer to all your problems.

Phytase is an enzyme that plays a crucial role in the digestion of phosphorus in poultry feed. Phosphorus is an essential mineral for the growth and development of poultry, but it is not easily digestible in its natural form. This is where phytase comes in. By adding phytase to your poultry feed, you can increase the availability of phosphorus, leading to better health and growth of your birds.

But that’s not all. Phytase also has numerous other benefits when added to poultry feed. Let’s take a closer look at some of them.

First and foremost, phytase helps in reducing the overall cost of poultry feed. As mentioned earlier, phosphorus is not easily digestible in its natural form, which means that a large amount of feed is needed to meet the phosphorus requirements of poultry. By using phytase, you can reduce the amount of feed needed, resulting in cost savings. This is especially beneficial for small-scale poultry farmers who have limited resources.

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Moreover, phytase also helps in reducing the environmental impact of poultry farming. The excess phosphorus in poultry manure can lead to water pollution, which is harmful to the environment. By improving the digestibility of phosphorus, phytase reduces the amount of phosphorus excreted by poultry, thus minimizing the environmental impact.

But the benefits of phytase don’t stop there. It also improves the overall health and well-being of poultry. Phytase aids in the absorption of other essential minerals, such as calcium, zinc, and magnesium, which are crucial for the proper functioning of the bird’s body. This leads to stronger bones, better immunity, and overall improved health of the birds.

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In addition to that, phytase also improves the quality of poultry meat and eggs. As the birds are able to absorb more nutrients from their feed, the meat and eggs produced are of higher quality. This is not only beneficial for the consumers but also for the farmers as they can demand a higher price for their products.

Now, some of you might be wondering about the safety of using phytase in poultry feed. Let me assure you that phytase is a safe and natural enzyme that is already present.

Superdosing of Phytase – A concept to increase animal performance | Benison Media

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